Thermomix® partners with OzHarvest

In Australia, we waste 7.6 million tonnes of food every year. Despite this, 3.7 million households struggled to put food on their table this year.  These are stats that together, we can help change.   


Donation of 40 TM5 models

OzHarvest’s work is two-fold. They provide food and meals to those in need, whilst also striving to reduce food wastage from businesses all over the country. In 2023 alone, OzHarvest rescued and repurposed 12.7 million kilos of food!  

We’ve donated 40 refurbished Thermomix TM5s to OzHarvest to be used in their kitchens along with their Feast Programs. Feast is an educational program run in high school to teach students about food waste and healthy eating.

Helping feed those in need

OzHarvest is committed to helping vulnerable people by delivering delicious, nutritious food to charities across Australia that feed those in need (having delivered over 250 million meals to date!). With the rising cost of living however, OzHarvest have reported a 73% increase in demand over the last 6 months as charities struggle to support all those in need of food relief.

This is Peter. A food recipient from Havafeed, a charity in Queensland that receives vital fresh produce from OzHarvest.

If it wasn’t for Havafeed I wouldn’t be here – they saved my life! I lived under a tree in the park and had no food. Havafeed would provide me with food they received from OzHarvest. I was so grateful I started volunteering for them. It gave me purpose and changed my whole life.Peter, Food Recipient, Havafeed  

Donate to OzHarvest

Right now, more people than ever are struggling to put food on the table. A donation of $10 to OzHarvest = 20 meals.

Five food waste facts

One third of all food produced is lost or wasted each year. In Australia we waste an equivalent of 300kg of food per person.

Decomposing food in landfill produces methane - a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change.

Households waste over $2000 of food annually.

The most wasted foods are veggies, bread, fruit, salad and leftovers.

Up to 10% of global greenhouse gases comes from food that is produced, but not eaten. Wasting food is worse than total emissions from flying (1.9%), plastic production (3.8%) and oil extraction (3.8%). Reducing food waste is the most effective thing an individual can do to address climate change.

No waste recipes