Sixty something and killing it in the digital age with simple, wholesome mission

Sixty something and killing it in the digital age with simple, wholesome mission

At 63 years of age, Collette has fully embraced the digital world we live in today. With thousands of active Facebook and YouTube followers, many have already subscribed to her brand-new blog. A significant number of her active subscribers join her on her live feeds and engage with her posts by leaving comments. Her followers also enjoy receiving her emails, which achieve an impressive open rate of 83%, a feat that many marketers aspire to. Her secret is sharing all of her secrets, and something so nourishing we all need more of in our lives – family mealtimes around the table.

“I think everyone needs a Thermomix® in their life and needs to be supported on their journey. My mantra is ‘Love your Thermomix®’ and that’s what I love to do, inspire people to learn and love cooking for their people and to get their people around a table,” says Collette.

“Sitting down together at mealtimes is such a powerful thing to do. No phones. No iPads. Real face time. And if I can get just a few families around the table to connect, I think my job's done!”

Adding the key ingredients for a healthier, closer family.

Collette had always loved cooking, but being a full-time HR director was a high-pressure job. Life was too chaotic to cook.

“Every week I’d buy all this wonderful healthy, fresh food and guiltily throw it away. And I’d beat myself up every time I reached for a jar of store-bought cooking sauce to feed my boys.

“When I saw how quickly the Thermomix® could produce good food from scratch, I bought one and it really helped me get family mealtimes back on track.

“My boys would have been 12 and 14 at the time, and I said to them ‘Look, guys, I need your help. I want each of you to cook dinner once a week.’ I got a few moans, but they did it. And it meant we had Mexican twice a week for about two years, but that didn't matter!

“I could easily have gone to my study to work while they cooked, but instead I’d make a coffee and sit at the kitchen bench and we’d talk. I didn't interfere because I didn't need to. Then we’d eat together, and it wasn't long before my boys were telling me about their troubles and school life. It made us much closer as a family.”

So full of go, retirement can wait.

Retiring early at the age of 58 was a big life change for Collette. She’d always been go-go-go with goals and targets to chase and hit.

“Within two weeks I found myself thinking, ‘Oh my goodness, I don’t know what I’m getting up for!’ I needed something to do that I really believed in. I was passionate about food and thought everyone should have a Thermomix® in their kitchen. So, I put my hand up to join as a Consultant.

“Six months later, I became a Team Leader. But not for long. I’d got a place on MasterChef and just as I was due to fly down to Adelaide for filming, I was offered a dream job teaching at one of Australia's best cooking schools. So, I dropped MasterChef and my role as Team Leader and just kept my Thermomix® business ticking over. However, I was only there for a few months when COVID hit and everything just stopped.”

Cooking up digital content Australia can’t get enough of

Collette could have just retired and cooked. But instead, she decided to embrace the digital world, become a virtual Thermomix® Consultant and build a brand online.

“I took every opportunity to train, learn, Google, look at what other Consultants were doing online and find out as much as I could about Facebook and Canva, hosting Zoom cooking classes and shooting cooking videos, writing e-newsletters, ebooks and even building my own blog.

“I wanted to give my customers the very best after-sales service I could, so that by the end of their first month, they are all over Thermomix®. They're really comfortable and confident using it.

“That level of service has built trust, loyalty and an amazing online community that continues to grow my businesses, my income and my passion to keep doing this!”

Collette believes you’re never too old to seize the day and start a Thermomix® Business. “Pull up your big girl panties and give it a go. You've got nothing to lose!”

Looking for something with a purpose that feeds your passion? Find out how you can earn your Thermomix® and start your own side hustle or flexible part-time or full-time business.