Before Thermomix®, Noni Jenkins was a full-time personal trainer, a weight loss coach and a self-confessed ‘below average’ cook. She was living on meat and three veg on repeat, with the occasional meal out of a packet. She knew everything about what happens to our bodies when we eat carbs, protein and fat, but nothing about how to create recipes and a varied meal plan to help her clients stick with it, achieve their personal health goals and maintain those results.
When her clients introduced her to Thermomix®, it changed everything.
A Thermomix® Coach in training
“It was like Thermomix® ignited a spark in me. Once I saw what it could do, I couldn’t stop thinking about food and cooking,” says Noni. “I was never too excited by cooking before. But now, here I was poring over cookbooks, cooking dishes I’d never tried before and adapting existing recipes to create clean food recipes I could make easily from scratch and share with my clients.
“That’s when I had my light-bulb moment. What if I could coach people on how to use their Thermomix® to achieve their personal health goals? And what if I could help more people by doing it online rather than face-to-face and one-on-one?
“Thermomix® gave me the final piece of the puzzle to help people cook clean food, create their own recipes and eat their way to better health.”

Smashing the Gold Coast record on the Earn Program
When Noni went to her first Thermomix® Cooking Demo in 2013, she was in a tight financial spot and couldn't afford to buy her TM31. So, when she heard about the Earn Program she signed up.
“I immediately started freaking out thinking, what if I don't make the six sales? How am I going to pay for the remainder? I had to make it work and put in some long days, tapped into my network and did a lot of demos in my three hours off from personal training in the middle of the day. I ended up selling 18 in 60 days!
“It was a Gold Coast record at the time and a real boost to my confidence. And that’s when I saw a long-term opportunity. I soon decided to give up on one-on-one personal training and started to put more time, and effort into my Thermomix® Business which really took off. After six months, I became a Group Leader.”
Creating the six-week challenge with life-long benefits
Noni didn’t want this to be just one of those fads where you do this for six weeks and then go back to whatever you were doing before. She wanted to help people develop a healthy mindset and balanced diet and lifestyle they could sustain long-term, for life.
“At the end of the challenge, people often tell me they get more use out of their Thermomix® by learning how to use it manually. They gain more confidence and freedom to modify and make new recipes to fit their health needs.”

Achieving the win-win: Healthy bank and life balance
“I’ve always loved to travel, but with personal training you lose your whole client base when you go overseas and, with it, your financial security. So, I knew I wanted to do something online to fit my lifestyle, and I knew that way I could help more people than with one-on-one face-to-face sessions. But I had a problem. I was quite tech-challenged!
“That’s where my Thermomix® training made a big difference. My Group Leader and Branch Manager saw I was eager to learn about online business and make it work, so they invested a lot of their time in helping me gain confidence, upskill, and build and grow my business.
“Today, Thermomix® has taken me to a much more secure place, financially, to more countries worldwide, and on all-expenses-paid trips to two Australian states I’d never visited before.”
But the real good feels come from the heart
“Every time I get a message from a THERMOfit fit customer saying how much the six-week challenge has done for their health and confidence, it’s the best feeling and exactly the reason I do what I do. Often, it’s helped their kids eat healthier too, and they can't believe their kids like the food!”
And it’s not just Australian families who are seeing the benefits. Noni now has THERMOfit customers in over 60 countries around the world, many without doing any paid marketing.
“To have that kind of reach, helping others in a way that has a lasting positive impact, that’s just incredible.”

Want to turn your passion into a flexible second income, or maybe even a full-time profession? Choose what fits you. Find out how you can earn your Thermomix® and start your own business.